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Is binary options trading a good way to make money

Can you Really Make Money with Binary Options?

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Binary options trading is very popular in many countries around the globe. However, most people still ask the question "can you really make money in binary options". In this article I will try to answer this question and give you a few tips on how you can make money trading binary options.

The short answer is that yes, you can make money online with binary options trading if you only trade at legitimate binary options brokers and learn the fundamentals of binary trading and employ proper trading strategy.

Binary options trading is a form of investing through predicting the movement of various assets such as gold, silver, the USD etc. It is very similar to other forms of investing such as forex and stock trading. It’s however simpler, has relatively fewer risks (in the sense that you will always know in advance what you might lose) and can offer larger payouts.

The idea is that you can make money in binary options only if you treat it as a real form of investing. This means learning how it works, learning how to read charts and learning how you can make accurate predictions. All these are not that difficult but it takes some time. If you treat it as gambling and just make random predictions then you will obviously not win.

Trading binary options online is not as complicated as many people think it is. You don’t have to be an economics expert in order to make money by trading binary options. Below these lines I'll reveal why making money with binary options is actually pretty simple.

Quick guide: Yes, you can make money in binary options. The easiest way is to use a binary options robot, such as Signals365 that will automatically analyze the markets and make accurate predictions for you. This is fully automatic and comes wth a success rate of around 80%.

At this moment the most reputable binary broker where you can make money if you use proper strategy is IQ Option. IQ Option has a payout rate of 88% and is also the broker with the most licenses and government-approvals, which means it's 100% safe and fair. If you are from the US you can trade at BinaryMate instead, which is also a reputable broker.

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Is it Possible to Make Money in Binary Options Trading?

A lot of interested traders are asking themselves the question if you can really make money with binary options? Obviously this is a perfectly legitimate question considering that most people have not traded binary options in the past and generally believe that investing is a very difficult activity.

The answer is that you can indeed make money in binary options trading. However, you will have to put an effort into it. As explained above, you will have to learn money management, reading of charts as well as the usage of indicators.

Naturally, you will have to put an effort into it if you want to make sure you’ll be able to generate money consistently. If you treat it like gambling then obviously the end result will also be like gambling and you will end up losing money instead of winning.

However, if you follow simple online trading strategy, like the ones that I have listed above, then you will have the potential chance to generate profits consistently. Also, the more you trade, the easier it gets later on. After a few months, trading financial assets will come natural to you, allowing you to make money consistently.

How does it work?

In binary options you will have the possibility to predict the movement of various assets such as stocks, currency pairs, commodities and indices. Making a prediction is possible after purchasing an option.

An option has only two outcomes (hence the name “binary” options). This is because the value of an asset can only go up or down during a given time frame. Your task will be to predict if the value of an asset with either go up or down during a certain amount of time.

In order to purchase an option, you will have to invest a certain amount of money. Usually, you can invest as low as $5-$10 and a high as several hundred. If by the time of the option’s expiration your prediction will have come true, you will receive your investment back plus a commission that will be the profits you made.

If your prediction will be false, then you will lose the invested money. Binary options trading is not gambling because if you pay attention to what’s happening in the business world you may be able to make accurate predictions. In gambling however, you will not be able to predict on what color the roulette ball will land, no matter what.

The simplest way to make money in binary options is by trading on news events. Below you will find an example of such cases:

Long-term trades.

Usually around September and October each year Apple is known to release a new iPhone and several additional products. Your task will be to check out when this will happen (usually, these events are announced months ahead).

Add the date to your calendar and around 1-2 days before the event buy a binary option that predicts that the stock value of Apple will go up during the next 2-3 days. You can be fairly sure that your prediction will be correct, as Apple’s stocks usually increase after a new product launch. And boom, this is it; you just made money with binary trading.

As you know, there are hundreds of large companies, such as Google, Samsung, Sony, and Microsoft, etc. Just check out when these companies are about to launch a new product and mark it in your calendar. You will usually find 1-2 such major events during every week of the year.

With this strategy you may expect to win around 70% to 80% of the time but it requires a lot of preparations like following news events. It’s can potentially be easy money through, so it should be the first strategy you use to make money in binary options trading.

One of the best brokers on the internet right now that have many long-term trades is IQ Option. As explained above, IQ Option is also the first broker that has received a real government financial trading license, meaning it’s fully legal and regulated.

Hint : You do not have to do all this by yourself. You can use a signal service such as Signals365 that will automatically look for long-term trades and make accurate (up to 80%) predictions for you.

Short-term trades.

After you become a little more experienced you can move on to short-term trading. As you have noticed, trading on news events involves long-term trades such as several days or weeks. A more advanced way is using short-term trades that expire within just a few minutes or seconds.

Here, you will not be able to use news events, as things happen too fast for news to have any influence on asset prices. Instead, you are expected to read the charts of various assets and look for trends.

Trends are predefined patterns in the short-term movement of assets. This means that if you catch a pattern in its early development, you can predict what happens next (as patterns usually behave in the same fashion).

These are a bit more complicated strategies but they are great because they allow you to make money in binary options on a daily basis as they involve short-term trades, therefore don’t have to wait for major news events (like product releases).

The best is always to use a combination of both strategies if you want to make money consistently using binary options. If you are a beginner, you should first start with the long-term strategy I described above (the one with Apple as example) because it’s very easy and there you will have realistic winning chances even as a complete newcomer. Then later diversify to short-term.

For short term trades I usually recommend IQ Option. This is because short-term trades are usually riskier and IQ Option offers a minimum deposit of only $10 and allows you to invest as low as $1 per trade.

Tip: Short term trades are a bit harder to predict than long-term trades, but they can make you money much faster. It’s recommended to use a robot (a tool that will automatically execute accurate trades for you), such as Signals365. This way you will be able to make money right away with minimal work on your part.

Is it legitimate? Is it legal?

Reputable financial service providers and investment firms first introduced binary trading in the United States. After this, multiple countries decided to adopt this practice and make it a legal form of financial trading and investing.

At this moment binary trading is officially regulated in a large number of countries on the planet including the United States, the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Japan, South Africa and more.

In order for financial service providers to be able to offer binary trading services, they will have to pass an independent evaluation by various government agencies. Only those online trading companies that offer legitimate services will be awarded with a financial service provider license.

Also, trading financial assets online by private people is at this moment legal in all countries on the planet. This is also valid in countries where binary options is at this moment not yet regulated. – To our knowledge binary trading isn’t illegal in any countries at this moment.

Do I Have to be an Expert to Make Money in Binary Options?

A common misconception is that you will have to be a financial and business expert in order to successfully trade binary options. However, this is not true at all. Perhaps it’s true when it comes to traditional stocks trading but definitely not true in the case of binaries.

You don’t have to be an expert to predict the movement of certain assets. Just think of the example I gave you above with Apple and long-term trades about on how to make money in binary options. Just based on that example you already learned one of the simplest ways to successfully trade binaries. There were no complicated tools or economic theories involved.

To add on the strategy mentioned above, another example is knowing when the US Federal Reserve is printing money.

You can find this info in the news. In such cases, the value of the USD almost always depreciates. So, in cases like this you can place very accurate investments on the outcome that the conversion rate between the USD and other currencies will increase.

And now you already know two very easy methods that you can use every single time you trade. So, as you can see, you can definitely make money by trading binary options if you do it properly and don’t just make random predictions.

You can implement these strategies at binary options brokers. The idea is to always choose legit and reputable brokers such as IQ Option to avoid being scammed. USA traders can choose BinaryMate. You can also use various tools such as signals to help predict the movement of assets. The best tool of this kind at this moment is Signals365.

Learn more and become a winner.

If you want to make money with binary options then read our detailed educational articles and strategy guides. These will teach you to efficiently trade financial assets and increase your winning probabilities.

Latest Binary Options Articles & Guides.

Ever wondered what the truth behind binary options risk free trades is? In this article I will be shedding a light on this very interesting and potentially rewarding concept.

In this ultimate guide to binary options trading you will learn everything you need to know about this form of online trading. It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all. Read this article and become a pro trader right now.

In this latest article I will be explaining how you can trade USD/JPY using binary options. You will learn about what influences the movement of this forex pair so that you can make accurate investments at your binary options broker. You will also find out what the recommended and safest binary brokers are for USD/JPY.

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15 Comments on "Can you Make Money with Options?"

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What is the difference between trading binary options and going to the casino and betting on red/black at a roulette table?


Is it possible to get my money back lost trading Yahoo and other stocks on Etrade?

hi knud, did you get your money back?

No wealth is actually generated with binary options, unlike a stock market. You play against the broker, just like in a casino. If the broker is bankrupt, you will not even get your winnings back. One thing I do not understand - why do brokers pretend to help us with their staff of analysts? Isn’t it counter-productive to them?

So where does the money come from? Someone has to loose, in order for both the broker, and the punter to make money.

what happens if say i started off with £10K, turned it into £1M and the broker didn’t have enough money to pay me the £1M i have made? like when i go to withdraw my £1M the broker couldn’t give me the funds because they do not have it available?

You should never keep that much money in your trading account.

Lets say you start with 10k… and make around 30k. You should withdraw that 20k right away and keep trading with your remaining 10k.

You’re trading against other traders too.. if you do a put trade for £100 and someone does a call trade for £100, one of you will have to lose that trade.. look up market makers and market exposure..

Are Binary Options a Good Way to Make Money?

Recently binary options trading have become very popular in many countries around the world. Although quiet some people still ask whether you can make profits /money in binary options and option robot. on this article, I will try my best to answer the question and solve them along with giving you some tips on how to be successful and make money through trading binary options robot. It is very simple and unique answer. You can be profitable and make more and more money online with this options trading, but that is only if you trade using best binary options brokers (IQ Option, 24 Option, Binary Hedge Fund or Banc de Binary for example) and acquiring skills that are necessary for binary trading and employ the accurate trading method.

Can You Make Money With Binary Options Trading?

The form of trading is a way of investing through predicting the price fluctuations of a various commodity like USD, silver, gold, and so many other assets. It is totally said to be the same with other investments such as stock and forex trading. Although is very simpler, and has relatively fewer risks, since you will be able to know in advance about what you might lose and larger payouts can be offered.

It is very simple to make money in binary options industry since it is not that complicated as many people think. In this industry, you don’t have to be an expert in trading options you only need a small investment to get started. Making money in this field is simple and is of great benefit. Am convinced in this industry, I will reveal below why it is simple to earn money with binary options.

You can make money by using the right procedure and well-established brokers. In this industry, many brokers are licensed and approved by various binary options regulatory agencies. For those in other countries or even if you are based in the US, you are still able to trade at TradeThunder instead. The TradeThunder is critical in making money since it is believed to be a reputable broker.

Many traders who are interested in making profits are always strict and ask many questions they venture or invest in this industry. Asking whether you can make money with binary options? This is a perfect and legitimate question as the fact that most traders have not traded in this field before, and they believe that making money from this is an activity they consider being difficult. Many traders who are willing and interested in binary options can make money. However the primary factor which must be considered is to put more effort as discussed on above. Putting an effort in binary options implies the learning in financial management, use of indicators and mostly putting your effort in analyzing and reading of charts.

A trader who wants to generate money consistently will have to work hard and take binary options as a mandatory investment. Some traders end up not making money because they treat it like gambling, and final results are that they conclude in losing instead of gaining. In simple term, a trader makes money if he naturally puts an effort.

A trader who follows techniques that are listed above have the potential and ability to make more profit regularly. however; the more a trader trades he/she becomes used to it and easier it gets on. Trading financial asset will naturally come in few months to trader allow you to make profit consistently.

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1. Your Binary Option Robot will analyse the market and decide, which asset (currencies, indices, commodities and stocks), is right to trade at that point in time.

2. The Binary Option Robot Will Predict the Price Movement.

Your robot will assess a wide-range of factors, and then make a prediction on how the assets price will move, saying: Call (up) if it believes the price will rise and Put (down), if it believes the price will fall.

3. Decide on how much you want to Invest.

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Finally, you collect your earnings (the good part!)

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How Does Binary Options Work?

In this industry all investors are allowed to predict price fluctuations various assets like currency pair, stock, commodities as well as indices. It is possible for investors to make their predictions for buying and selling of option.

The name binary option has two incomes. The reason being the value of an asset can either go up or down in a given time frame. As an investor, you have to predict the value of an asset if it is going down or up during a particular period.

For a trader to buy and sell an option, he or she has to make an effort to invest some amount of money. Usually, an investor can not invest less than $5 and high as several hundred. By expiration, your predictions must be correct for your trade to be successful or for you to make a profit.

If your prediction is wrong, then the result is to lose the invested money. Gambling is not an option in binary options because by paying interest to what is happening in the world of business you may be able to make correct predictions. However in gambling, an investor is not able to predict on what color the roulette ball will land whatever the case. So, binary options should be treated as other financial investments and not like gambling.

For an investor to make easy money in binary options, he/she has to trade on a news event. This is the simplest strategy that any trader can without having experience in the world of binary options. You will find an example of such case below.

Long-term Trading.

Typically every year around September and October, Apple is known for releasing quality products especially a new iPhone. your task will be to check on when it will happen because these events are usually announced during end months.

You can add the date to the calendar and between 1-2 days for the case by a binary option who predicts on the stock value of an apple product on whether it will go up for the next 2-3 days. As an investor, you can be sure whether your predictions are correct. An introduction to a new product in the market usually means the Apple products will increase as it is caused by the launching of other new products. These are a boom as an investor you just make profits with binary trading.

There are hundreds of known large companies such as Samsung, Microsoft, Google and Sony and many more. you just need to check out on your calendar when these famously known companies are about to launch their new product, mark it on your calendar. Usually, you will realize that 1-2 of such a major events occur every week of the year.

A dedicated investor who is using this strategy can expect to gain around 75% to 80% of the required time. though it still needs much preparation such as following new events around the world. Long term trade is the simplest strategy that novice traders can use to make money. In fact, this should be their number one trading strategy since it does not require much effort.

Short-term Trades.

With your little experience, you can start trading binary options using short term trading. As you can see trading on news events it is very simple because it involves long-term trades that take several days or even weeks. Usually, a more integrated method is by using short-term deals that expire within few minutes or seconds. In short-term trades, you do not have the ability to use the news events, as occasions happen very fast for news to have an impact on assets prices. In this, you are instead expected to take an excellent study of charts and reading of various charts of assets and look for definite trends. So what are trends? Trends are predefined patterns in the short – term variations in assets. This typically implies that if you can catch a trend in its early development, then as a trader you can be able to predict on what happens next. So if you are good, enough you will be able to make huge profits. Analyzing of trends is the best method that can be used in this industry.

binary options profits, a sample.

Are Binary Options a Legitimate Investment Type?

In binary options, reputable financial service providers and investments companies first introduce binary trading in the United States. After introducing binary trading in The United States, many countries followed this by adopting the practice making it a legal form of investing in financial trading.

Currently binary trading is regulated in many nations in the world including United Kingdom, Japan, Cyprus, South Africa, Singapore and many other countries.

For a broker to conduct binary options trading, it must be regulated by government agencies. These agencies have strict rules and regulations that an agent must follow to get a license.

However, trading financial assets online by private investors is always legal in all nations on the planet. It is, however, legal in countries whereby this option of the binary is not currently yet regulated. To our study and analysis, binary trading options are legal in any nations as we speak. so traders can trade options regardless of their nationality.

Do I have to be experienced or an educated expert to make money in this field of binary options?

As a trader, it is not my conviction to be an expert for you to be successful. A common misunderstanding is that you have to be a business and financial expert to make money in binary option. However, it is entirely wrong. Maybe it may be true if it only comes to the long ago stocks trading but currently not true in this case of binaries. Any trader can just venture in and make money. in other words, we can say binary options is designed to all people regardless of their financial status and knowledge about the market.

In this industry variations and prediction of assets do not require that knowledge or being an expert. I gave a good example of Apple products and long term trades on how to make profits in binary trading. Depending on that example am convinced that as a trader you already have knowledge on one of the simplest methods that you can use to make money in binary option. There were no misunderstood economic theories used or involved.

Also based on strategy mentioned earlier, another instance occurred when the US Federal Reserve is printing money.

For more information on the news and such cases, the rate of the USD almost always reduces. In such cases as an investor you can place the correct or accurate investments on the results that the conversion value of the USD and other currencies will appreciate.

If you have followed this review collect then am sure that you can use the above strategies. The next thing, it to use them so that you can increase your chances of winning. Binary options industry is very competitive and is full of riches anyone can just venture in and make money. The only thing needed here is determination. As you can see, it is easy to make money in this industry. According to studies, binary options industry is the only sector where investors can trade with little money and without enough experience. If you do things in the right way in this industry am sure you will make fortunes.

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Learn More to Become a Winner.

Education is key to everything in life. You cannot be successful without education so as the binary options industry. Many people take this industry rightly, and that is where we go wrong. To make money in this industry, you need to learn and learn more about binary options trading. There are various strategies that a trader needs to learn. The information about binary options is very ramparted on the net so to be the best you need to learn. The education you will acquire here will help you effectively learn how to trade financial assets while at the same time increase your profitability.

Avoid The Mistakes When Entering to Binary Trading.

When a naïve sailor goes to the deep sea, there is a high probability of mistakes. The binary trading arena has evolved over a time, but the mistakes made by the new traders have remained the same throughout. The following text identifies the most common mistakes made by a beginner in the binary trading and how to avoid them.

This is one of the most common and most recurring mistakes made by the beginners and even in some cases by the intermediate traders. The naïve traders execute a trade out of compulsion or due to sheer boredom, which sure is going to backfire and make you lose big money. As a beginner, you should never enter a trade without a proper logic behind it. You should also ask yourselves whether your estimation is due to a gut feeling or rational thinking? Are you entering a trade because you are hoping for the best outcome or have you given enough thought to the most likely outcome?

This is not going to give you a winning trade, but will surely reduce your losing trades. This way you can minimize your losses and improve the chances of winning in the trading arena.

The binary options trading is not for the emotional fools and to be a successful trader, you must have rational thinking. The naïve of the binary trading easily gets influenced by what they believe is right rather than what the logic says. The belief might get you some easy trades but the logic will always give you a higher probability of winning.

Also when traders are bored by something they enter into the trading just to change their mood. This is another big mistake which they make as an unplanned trade has the highest probability of losing. So while trading the binary options, just stay clear and stay focused.

The traders who think that they just need one trade to be a winner, are most likely to end up as a big loser. The history of traders suggests that the people who have made big by trading have made several trades including winning and losing trades, to become a successful trader in a long run. The thinking of one trade makes them invest a big amount in a single trade, and if god forbids the trade turns out to be otherwise, they lose big and then they lose their faith in the trading itself. A thumb rule is that one should never invest more than 5 percent of a total account value in a single trade. This way, the trader will have more chances to trade and hence the higher probability of having a winning trade.

To err is human, but to repeat is stupid.

As we all know that as a human we are bound to make mistakes but not learning from the mistakes is the biggest mistake. As a new trader if you have lost your money on some trade using some strategy then you must analyze what went wrong and what was the mistake during that trade? We have been recommending all along to have a trading journal, to keep a note of such mistakes so that you can learn from them and do not repeat in your next trade.

Make it a habit to jot down everything from the winning trades and most importantly from the losing trade, so that you can always go back and evaluate the problem and rectify them not to make the same mistake again.

This is one of the biggest hurdles in becoming a successful trader. You must understand that winning and losing is a part of the trading, and you cannot avoid the losing trades. But losing too many trades in a row can be frustrating and may lead to leaving the trading. By doing so, you will keep yourself away from realizing your ultimate goal. We recommend that whenever you have a bad trade, take a break and evaluate the trade, and before entering again, make sure that you don’t repeat the mistake you had made in the last losing trade.

In the same way as frustration, the new traders get carried away by the winning trades and puts the higher amount to risk on the next trade. This is also not a good tactic, as it might become the losing trade and eventually making a loss for the day. So, you must control your emotions in the trading to realize your ultimate goal of becoming a successful trader over a period of time.

Finally, the above mentioned are some of the major pitfalls where the beginners fall and never get up and hence we recommend you to read the above points again and again until you memorize them, so that you make fewer mistakes and make more gains.

How Can a Beginner Make Money in The Binary Options Trading?

The pitfalls discussed above are for real and anybody can fall, but even with so many possibilities of messing up, the beginners can make money if they are disciplined and follow a systematic approach. The key to success is to manage the risk. Hypothetically, the traders have equal chances of winning and losing and to be a successful trader he must evolve a way to improve the winning chances. A way in here is called the edge over other traders.

The following text enlists some of the most important aspects which a beginner should consider before entering the trade.

Take a help from the Signaling service provider.

There are several option signals service providers in the binary arena and the help of such services will turn the tide in your favor. This will help you gain the initial advantage before you completely comprehend the binary trading.

There is no alternative to learning.

If you jump into a pool without knowing how to swim, you are definitely going to be doomed. The same way the trading is a long-term activity, and you must put in serious efforts to learn every aspect of the binary trading before starting. Technical indicators give you an edge in the trading and if you can find a suitable technical indicator for your preferred asset, then it will definitely improve your chances of winning. The most commonly used indicators are moving averages, Bollinger bands, MACD, relative strength amongst others.

You must put substantial efforts to learn technical and fundamental aspects of the binary trading before jumping to the real account.

Practice before the actual trading.

Most of the binary broker provides demo account for practicing the trades. As a beginner, you must utilize this service to test your learned technical indicators and strategy before jumping onto real money accounts. This will help you master the strategy and learn from your mistakes so that when you enter your real money trade than you are less likely to make mistakes.

Each and every trader in the binary arena is unique and each one of them has different likings. Also, they are better at some stocks or assets then the others. The reason is that each underlying moves differently compared to others because of their unique characteristics. The trading journal will keep track of each and every transaction. On a long run, it will help you identify the most profitable assets and strategies for you and sticking to them will help you further improve your chances of winning trades.

Some trading styles are suitable to short-term trades while others are for a long-term expiry. The trading journal will also help you identify the most suitable expiry for your profitable assets and in turn, help you improve the winnings.

Finally, the above-mentioned aspects along with the pitfalls mentioned in the previous articles will definitely help you better the online binary options trading. Any form of trading is not easy and requires lots of dedication and consistent efforts to master the art of trading.

Remember The Difference.

Though it looks similar to the forex trading, the binary options trading has some of the unique features, and as a beginner, you must remember to understand it better.

The binary options trading does not provide any leverage The amount at risk is known before placing the trade, and you cannot lose more than the amount you risked in a single trade. The amount of price movement will have no impact on the returns you make. The amount of money you are going to make, in a single trade, is known to you beforehand. There are some brokers who offer early closure of a trade, but you must remember that it will only minimize the losses. Trading in the binary options requires you to predict the movement of assets and your payout will remain the same for a 1 pip movement or for a 100 pip movement. The payouts in the binary arena range from 70 to 85 percent. Trading in the binary options is relatively simpler compared to the other forms of financial trading. There are no hidden costs. The binary options trading does not require you to be an expert in the field in order to make money. There are only two options in the outcome of binary trading – one or the another and hence called the binary. You actually do not own the asset you are buying, you just betting on the price movement of an asset.


Binary options industry is very attractive has a high potential. Due to this fact, many people jump into it without even knowing a single strategy. Most of these traders fail while a small number make it. As you can see the industry is very open, and any trader can join regardless of financial background and education but to be successful one need to master fundamental techniques used in the market. Play smart by ensuring you do all right things correctly. Remember not all traders make it in this industry because not all have what it takes to be successful.

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References and Further Reading.

Author: Michael Allen.

Michael Allen is the main author at binaryoptionrobotinfo. He holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in investment banking for 24 years.

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How Do Binary Options Brokers Make Money?

Over recent years, binary options trading has become an accepted form of investment in the financial markets. Unlike the forex market or stock market where the brokers charge spreads or commissions, binary options brokers don’t work in this way. This often raises the question of “How do Binary Option brokers make money?” It’s obvious that binary options brokers are making money, otherwise they would have stopped functioning a long time ago. The question is how and the answer is seemingly shrouded in mystery.

Binary options brokers actually make money through a variety of ways. However, the precise method is dependent on the business model of the broker. One way of making money is through the pricing of the binary options. Another way is through the trading activities of traders.

Pricing Of the Binary Options.

Binary options broker normally obtain their pricing structures from their liquidity providers. What many traders are unaware is the fact that the pricing of the binary options that they are trading in is marked up slightly from those in the market. When we want to trade in binary options, we check out the prices of the asset displayed on the trading platform together with the expected payout in dollars and cents. If we pay closer attention, the expected payout is not calculated based on a true percentage payout. A certain portion of the payout is actually retained by the broker and this is the commission that the binary options broker is earning.

Another way for binary options broker to make money is through the trading activities of their clients. Let us suppose that Acme Binary Options broker has 500 clients. Let us further assume that 250 of these clients wish to bet that the GBP/USD will go up within the hour and they bet $100 each. The other 250 clients want to bet $100 each that the GBP/USD will fall within the hour. This mean the total money pooled in the market is $50,000. On the trading Platform, the GBP/USD displayed a paid out ratio of 80% if the trade is in the money.

After an hour, we find that the GBP/USD actually ended up. So the 250 of traders that bet for the GBP/USD to rise ended up in the money with $180 each. For those traders who ended out of the money, their return is zero. Hence, the total payout comes to $45,000. This mean there is a balance of $5000 in the market pool which the broker can walk away with. Our example is just based on one trade of the GBP/USD in one hour. Just imagine that there are 10 to 20 such trades every 24 hours, this mean the broker is easily earning $50,000 to $100,000 per day! If we take that amount and multiply it 5 times a week for four weeks, we ended up with a figure ranging from $1 million to 2 million in a month!

Of course our example above also presupposed that there is a balance between both sides of the market which is unrealistic in the real world. Nevertheless, the example is able to illustrate to us very clearly how binary options brokers makes their money.

How to Win Binary Options Every Time.

How to win binary options every time? – The last five years have been the golden years for binary options. The market has grown phenomenally and traders are joining in the trade in multiples. The binary options have expanded and the systems have become more sophisticated and accurate, especially with the advent of automated systems. Profits have risen and a good number of traders have made impressive profits over this time. Within the same period, there have been traders who did not do very well in the binary options trading. This will happen if you do not develop a plan to profit from binary options consistently. Also selecting a proper broker like IQ Option or Option Robot will help you along the way!

Binary options trades, like any other trading transactions in the assets and commodities markets can go either way; make a profit or lose your investment. The trick is to keep the winnings considerably higher than losses over an extended period of time. Here you will learn what to do and what not to do to create a framework within which you can make winning trades consistently. What you need to do is:

Control your expectations.

Probably the right word to use here is ‘greed’. In binary options, it is very easy to be overwhelmed by your emotions. Such things tend to happen when you are winning, or losing money. The definite thing you need to do is to keep a clear head; keep all your emotions at bay. You must have come across trading platforms in this business claiming of extraordinary successes of making millionaires in a few months after making a small deposit. You probably want to be that person. While there is nothing wrong with that, the bad news is that you probably won’t be that person. With that out of the way, focus on making small consistent wins as a start, and then expand from there. The chances of becoming a millionaire within three months of trading with a deposit of $500 is a million to one; do not make rash decisions to invest all or most of your investment on a single trade just because you just made are on an 85% roll. Keep a clear head.

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How to Make Money with Binary Option Robot.

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Claim your free binary option robot, get started with three easy steps:

Name of Robot Min. Investment Min. Deposit Rating.

1. Your Binary Option Robot will analyse the market and decide, which asset (currencies, indices, commodities and stocks), is right to trade at that point in time.

2. The Binary Option Robot Will Predict the Price Movement.

Your robot will assess a wide-range of factors, and then make a prediction on how the assets price will move, saying: Call (up) if it believes the price will rise and Put (down), if it believes the price will fall.

3. Decide on how much you want to Invest.

Then you need to decide how much you want to invest in the commodity and when that investment will expire.

4. Collect your Earnings.

Finally, you collect your earnings (the good part!)


Exclusive offer! Get the binary option robot for free by clicking on the button below and learn how to make money while you sleep!

Choose the right broker or trading system.

Your success or failure in the binary options business is considerably dependent on your broker, your trading system or both. Making the right choices here is paramount. Go through as much literature on your shortlisted brokers as you can to aid you in making an informed decision. A good thing is to stay away from brokers and systems promising over the top rewards and those with scanty information on how and what they trade. Give your selected broker’s system a test run with the demo account provided. For a beginner, you are well advised to try your strategies with a demo account other than a real money account. One thing about demo accounts is that you get a true feel of what you should expect. Try a few set strategies with the system and some of your own as well. By the time you come to deposit real money, you will have an idea of what to expect, what to do and what to refrain from doing. Usually the best binary options brokers have demo accounts.

Go for the automated systems.

If you are the kind of person, who does not like keeping your eyes on the financial markets and currency values, or you simply do not have the time, and you wish to try your hand at binary options, the option robots could be your preferred instrument. Unlike the manual trades where the most you get are signals, with automated systems, even the trading is done for you, even when you are off the computer. What happens is that you make the settings yourself, your daily limits, your maximum amounts per trade and things like that. The best thing about this is that you do not have to worry about the effect a Federal Reserve announcement will have on your next trade. The robots analysts and advanced algorithms will handle this for you. They will remove the headaches from binary options trading which is a good thing if you are not a professional trader.

Develop your own strategy and review it from time to time.

The people who make a good income from binary options trading do so because of many factors. Among the most important is the strategy you use to make your trades. For experienced and professional traders, they can make use of the information they have to make winning trades. For novices AND experienced traders, one important strategy is to use the free trade signals provided by trading systems. While they may not be 100% accurate every time, they are way above uninformed decisions that many traders are likely to make. It will make your work easier to develop a strategy that comfortably gives you a consistent profitability. The strategy should not be written on stone all the same: you should give it an intensive review from time to time to see if you are trading at your best. Such a review of your strategy might result in a complete or partial overhaul, a few small changes or it can just remain the way it is. The trick is to keep reviewing it after some reasonable time.

Make your expiry time selection wisely.

The systems may be giving you a signal that your research confirms as one that will make a winning trade, but you lose your money anyway. Chances are that you made the right trade but you chose the wrong expiry time. This is where your own input is called for. If the signal is dependent more on an issue that is about to happen rather than from a trend, your expiry time will be crucial due to the timeline of the said event or issue. Make good use of the analysis charts available from your trading system to choose the right expiry time. This will ensure that the likelihood of losing your investment due to wrong timing is eliminated or minimized.

Stick to trades with high probability.

When trading binary options, remember it is either you win a trade and make a profit or lose the trade and lose your investment in that trade as well. This means that you should stick to trades that offer the highest probability of coming out as a winner. If the movement of the value of an asset is dependent on a news item, make your trade before the rest of the market catches up by trading with options in the seconds, 1 minute options or even the 5 minute options. It will be your experience and knowledge that will enable you to make the right trade within the right expiry period. The lesson learned here is that you should be on top of things when it comes to live financial news and live reports. You can do this by subscribing to paid news sites that will keep you updated at all times. An alternative is to follow such accounts on social media to help you find out what is happening globally in the financial markets.

Trade only when the market is active.

In a 24 hour period, the time when there is significant change in trends can be concentrated to less than an hour. This implies that for most of the day, nothing much is actually happening. What you should do is to learn when to anticipate changes in trends and this is where you are likely to make the most gains which will be much better than when the markets are in a lull.

Accept that sometimes you will lose some trades.

Anybody promising a 100% success rate in option signals is not telling you the truth and you can take that to the bank. Traders who have been in the market for some time and they are making good profits day in and day out understand one thing; you will definitely make some loses here and there. To survive in this business the only thing all your strategies will be geared to is maximizing your winning trades and minimizing your losing ones. There is nothing like total elimination of loses, even by professional traders; they make wrong calls many times too.

Make frequent withdrawals.

You are in binary options trading to make money for yourself and not to trade for the sake of it. What you should do is to minimize the risk of making some rash trades which can put you out of business in a flash. Make frequent withdrawals to pay yourself for your efforts. One good way to do this is to make withdrawals for all money that comes above your deposit and save it. This way, you will find out if binary options trading works for you or not.

These tips are not the definite bible on making winning trades at the binary options, but it will go a long way in getting you into the right picture of what you should and should not do. There are thousands of satisfied traders in binary options; there is no reason why you too cannot join them.

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Author: Michael Allen.

Michael Allen is the main author at binaryoptionrobotinfo. He holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in investment banking for 24 years.

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Michael Allen.

Michael Allen is the main author at binaryoptionrobotinfo. He holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in investment banking for 24 years.


Everyone wishes to be successful in binary options trading. As such, this article proves to be a great one! The traders can read this post and learn about some of the best ways of earning high profits from binary options trading. There are several important tips discussed in this article that can help you earn higher profits upon your investment. Learn from the same and ensure your success in binary trading. In addition to these tips, it is also vital to invest money in some legitimate binary options trading portal. You can try out Option Robot for the same!

By learning about some of the best ways to earn profits from binary options trading in a consistent manner, you can change the course of your lifestyle. Binary options trading can be really life-changing if implemented in the right manner. You can earn higher profits by just investing a small amount of money. The only key to success in binary options trading is investing your money in some of the most reliable and legitimate binary trading platforms. You can learn about the some of the most reliable alternatives of investing money and earning higher profits from this site.

It was great reading this article Michael! I learnt a lot of new things from this article. There are a very few articles that write about binary options trading hacks & strategies. It is really important for the traders to be aware of binary options trading industry and tricks to succeed in the same. This article teaches you all about the important tips to be able to succeed properly in binary options trading. By learning these tips, you can learn several tricks to earn ultimate success in binary options trading portals. I wish I had known about these tricks before.

I realized that I was constantly failing at binary options trading because I was using the wrong techniques of trading. When I read this article, I came to know about a lot of new things that I was unaware of before. For instance, the article discusses the different kinds of common problems faced by the traders across the world. There are also possible solutions to the same. This is highly informative as any naïve trader like me can get to learn a lot of important stuff about binary options trading. I would recommend this article to all the traders.

This article is really useful. I find it highly informative especially for the first-time traders who are just starting out on their binary options trading journey. By knowing about the proper ways of profiting from the different binary options trading platforms in a consistent manner, the traders can ensure their all-time success in this industry. As a trader, it becomes really important to have this information. This will prevent you from making any mistakes. I have myself learnt a lot of things about binary options trading tricks through this article.

This is the article that several binary options trading traders must be waiting for. Indeed, everyone likes to be successful at binary options trading in the end. However, most of the traders are not aware of the proper ways & techniques to achieve the desired success. As such, this post about how to earn higher profits from binary options trading consistently is a really informative one. You can learn about a lot of new ways & methods to do binary trading which will help you generate higher returns upon your investment. A great article indeed! Must-read for all the traders!

According to me, the one thing that would actually determine your level of success in binary options trading is the particular binary options trading platform that you are going with. I think in the end, it is the reliability and legitimacy of the specific binary trading portal that would analyze the amount of profits that you are going to earn through your trades. All of us now that the traders basically have to do nothing except to invest a certain amount of money in any trading portal. As such, it becomes important to invest in the most reliable only. This is the only secret to earning success in binary trading.

The ultimate aim of all the traders out there is to achieve the desired success at binary options trading. Keeping the same in mind, I wrote this article about ways of consistently warning profits from binary options trading from different platforms. I am glad everyone liked my article. The end success of every trader is my ultimate goal. As such, I write the detailed reviews about different binary options trading portals that keep coming up each day. I hope that every trader is able to benefit from my articles about binary options trading industry. Thank you all!

Do you wish to earn consistent profits from the binary options trading? If you wish to do so, then this is a must-read article. I have always followed his articles on and always find his articles & posts to be highly informative and useful. Even this article about successful ways of gaining the desired profits from effective binary options trading can be highly useful to the first-time as well as professional binary traders out there. Enjoy reading article by Michael! Keep up the good work Michael!

Great blog. Indeed, I learnt several ways of attaining success in binary options trading platform using the techniques mentioned here. However, can you also specify me some of the best binary options trading platforms or brokers that I could place my trust upon? It would be of a great help as I am starting out on binary trading lately. Thanks!

As a binary trader, one of the most important concerns is about how to earn a substantial amount of profit in a small amount of time. If you are also worried about the same, then you can read this detailed article about the effective ways of earning consistent profits from the binary options trading platforms. Michael always writes well-researched and informative articles. I always follow his articles whenever I get time. Each time, I find something new and highly useful about binary options trading portal that makes me follow him even more!

Amazing blog about binary options trading and the ways to achieve success at it. I would definitely suggest my friends and family members to read this blog as it is highly informative and can help in various ways. I have started following the blogs recently and have found them to be very useful. A big time thanks.

Hello, I was going through this article and I really wish to thank for delivering such important information to the traders. It is really important for the first-time traders like to know of the successful ways of achieving the desired success in binary options trading industry. I would also recommend this to my friends who can benefit from the same!

I have constantly been making ample profits in the binary options trading platform with Option Robot. I have been using this since the beginning of my trading career and since then, I have not looked back. When I read this article, it boosted my confidence in Option Robot as it offers the best and the most reliable trades than any other binary options trading portal. Indeed a great article for all the traders out there!

There are several investors who are looking for ways to profit from the binary options trading platforms. If you are new to the binary options trading portal, then you can read this article as it will help you know about the successful ways of succeeding in the binary trading industry. Even I read it and used some of the prescribed principles in my life. A big thanks.

I consistently have made profit with option robot, about 200 bucks every day, so cheers!


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